Body fat news 14/09/2007
So how do you burn fat 24 hrs a day? Here are some simple steps to lose fat 24 hrs a day. Build muscles. Muscles are active cells and they are great calorie burners. The more muscles you pack on, the more body fat you will burn because ...
Lose fat news 14/09/2007
Lose pounds news 14/09/2007 The number one way for obese people to lose fat is the exact same for those that are only 20 pounds overweight. Strength training is the best way to cut through fat and burn through calories. ...
Tone up your muscles to decrease body fat (The Shelby Star)
I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard someone say, “I don’t want to do cardio or all the other stuff. I just want to work on my abs and get rid of this belly!”
Joyce Brothers: Is husband sabotaging wife's attempts to lose weight? (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
A reader writes: "I have been trying to diet and exercise enough to lose about 20 pounds. My slender husband goes along with what I cook, but then he will surprise me with a fattening breakfast in bed or a fancy dessert. How should I handle this?"
Lose fat news 14/09/2007
The answer lies in trying to lose fat, not muscle and water. You do this by eating more frequently. Four smaller meals each day will allow you to lose body fat while sparing muscle, give you energy to wrestle hard, and be strong the . ...